m4: Pseudo Arguments

 5.3 Special arguments to macros
 There is a special notation for the number of actual arguments supplied,
 and for all the actual arguments.
    The number of actual arguments in a macro call is denoted by '$#' in
 the expansion text.
  -- Composite: nargs (...)
      Expands to a count of the number of arguments supplied.
      define(`nargs', `$#')
      nargs(`arg1', `arg2', `arg3')
      nargs(`commas can be quoted, like this')
      nargs(arg1#inside comments, commas do not separate arguments
      still arg1)
      nargs((unquoted parentheses, like this, group arguments))
    Remember that '#' defaults to the comment character; if you forget
 quotes to inhibit the comment behavior, your macro definition may not
 end where you expected.
      dnl Attempt to define a macro to just `$#'
      define(underquoted, $#)
    The notation '$*' can be used in the expansion text to denote all the
 actual arguments, unquoted, with commas in between.  For example
      define(`echo', `$*')
      echo(arg1,    arg2, arg3 , arg4)
      =>arg1,arg2,arg3 ,arg4
    Often each argument should be quoted, and the notation '$@' handles
 that.  It is just like '$*', except that it quotes each argument.  A
 simple example of that is:
      define(`echo', `$@')
      echo(arg1,    arg2, arg3 , arg4)
      =>arg1,arg2,arg3 ,arg4
    Where did the quotes go?  Of course, they were eaten, when the
 expanded text were reread by 'm4'.  To show the difference, try
      define(`echo1', `$*')
      define(`echo2', `$@')
      define(`foo', `This is macro `foo'.')
      =>This is macro This is macro foo..
      =>This is macro foo.
      =>This is macro foo.
 ⇒Trace, if you do not understand this.  As another example of the
 difference, remember that comments encountered in arguments are passed
 untouched to the macro, and that quoting disables comments.
      define(`echo1', `$*')
      define(`echo2', `$@')
      define(`foo', `bar')
    A '$' sign in the expansion text, that is not followed by anything
 'm4' understands, is simply copied to the macro expansion, as any other
 text is.
      define(`foo', `$$$ hello $$$')
      =>$$$ hello $$$
    If you want a macro to expand to something like '$12', the judicious
 use of nested quoting can put a safe character between the '$' and the
 next character, relying on the rescanning to remove the nested quote.
 This will prevent 'm4' from interpreting the '$' sign as a reference to
 an argument.
      define(`foo', `no nested quote: $1')
      =>no nested quote: arg
      define(`foo', `nested quote around $: `$'1')
      =>nested quote around $: $1
      define(`foo', `nested empty quote after $: $`'1')
      =>nested empty quote after $: $1
      define(`foo', `nested quote around next character: $`1'')
      =>nested quote around next character: $1
      define(`foo', `nested quote around both: `$1'')
      =>nested quote around both: arg