flex: Reentrant Functions

 19.5 Functions and Macros Available in Reentrant C Scanners
 The following Functions are available in a reentrant scanner:
          char *yyget_text ( yyscan_t scanner );
          int yyget_leng ( yyscan_t scanner );
          FILE *yyget_in ( yyscan_t scanner );
          FILE *yyget_out ( yyscan_t scanner );
          int yyget_lineno ( yyscan_t scanner );
          YY_EXTRA_TYPE yyget_extra ( yyscan_t scanner );
          int  yyget_debug ( yyscan_t scanner );
          void yyset_debug ( int flag, yyscan_t scanner );
          void yyset_in  ( FILE * in_str , yyscan_t scanner );
          void yyset_out  ( FILE * out_str , yyscan_t scanner );
          void yyset_lineno ( int line_number , yyscan_t scanner );
          void yyset_extra ( YY_EXTRA_TYPE user_defined , yyscan_t scanner );
    There are no "set" functions for yytext and yyleng.  This is
    The following Macro shortcuts are available in actions in a reentrant
    In a reentrant C scanner, support for yylineno is always present
 (i.e., you may access yylineno), but the value is never modified by
 ‘flex’ unless ‘%option yylineno’ is enabled.  This is to allow the user
 to maintain the line count independently of ‘flex’.
    The following functions and macros are made available when ‘%option
 bison-bridge’ (‘--bison-bridge’) is specified:
          YYSTYPE * yyget_lval ( yyscan_t scanner );
          void yyset_lval ( YYSTYPE * yylvalp , yyscan_t scanner );
    The following functions and macros are made available when ‘%option
 bison-locations’ (‘--bison-locations’) is specified:
          YYLTYPE *yyget_lloc ( yyscan_t scanner );
          void yyset_lloc ( YYLTYPE * yyllocp , yyscan_t scanner );
    Support for yylval assumes that ‘YYSTYPE’ is a valid type.  Support
 for yylloc assumes that ‘YYSLYPE’ is a valid type.  Typically, these
 types are generated by ‘bison’, and are included in section 1 of the
 ‘flex’ input.